What Are Things That You Need To Know About Foundation Repair?
A home's foundation is the bottom-most layer that provides the support for a home. Depending on the part of the country, the size of the home and when it was built, the type of foundation may vary. Concrete slab foundations are the most common; some are built to sustain crawl spaces or basements. Other foundation types are pier and beam, pile and spread foundations. Regardless of the type, Common Foundation Problems Seattle WA will require at some point foundation repair. Sign that you need repair: Signs of a foundation in need of repair include Ceiling Cracks Seattle WA , bricks, drywall, tile or even the foundation itself. Other signs are sticky doorjambs and windows, sloping floors, cracking or separating chimneys or fascia board. In some cases, mold may accumulate in the cracks. Whether too much or not enough, water is the main culprit in foundation repair cases. Over-saturated soil expands pushing into the home and foundation and over time loses stability, causin...